Thursday, December 30, 2010

Street Level

She came into the world at 4:55am. She is perfect...

Zeya Rogue Cavanaugh is our baby daughter. At the time of this she is 1 day and 13 hours old. As our daughters before her, she will undergo numerous changes over her life. She will transform physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. My daughters are my greatest art.

My music is my second greatest art. Like my daughters, it is ever changing. My inspiration, style and feel are always changing. Ebbing and flowing, waxing and waning. It never stays to one style or one genre. That is why I created the term "street level" as my music genre. The one constant is the fact that I'm telling stories of my life. Sharing experiences, hopes, dreams, failures and triumphs that are relatable to anyone you meet up with on the street.

Street Level.

As my daughters will change over the course of their lifetime, it will be changes that are necessary for the health and growth and enrichment of their life. To expect them to never change would be a silly notion. As is with music. To expect it to be the same over and over again is a strange notion. How is an artist supposed to truly create and expand and delve deeper into the well of inspiration and creativity if stifled by conformity? Art is change. Art is not safe. Art is not stable. It will always change if it is to maintain its health.

Street Level.

Expect to continue to see a varied style in what I deliver. Be open minded to changes you hear in it. My goal is to keep you on your toes, not knowing what to expect except that you will love it.

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