Sunday, March 28, 2010

In the Blink of An Eye

I was playing Peek-a-boo with the little one this morning. A game I've played with her since she was 10 months old. Holding the blanket over my head, saying "where's daddy???", and then pulling the blanket down and saying, "Here I am!".

It makes her giggle uncontrollably every time. It's the most incredible sound in the world. Your child's laughter.

But as I did it a second time, I noticed something very different. Something I wasn't ready for yet. She was tall. Because she's no longer a baby. Even though I still refer to her as the baby. She's a little kid. On the verge of leaving the toddler stage. She speaks and runs and identifies too many things to count anymore. Yesterday she was just trying to roll over. Now she climbs into the car to get into her seat.

In the blink of an eye, your child, or your life, changes. It grows, evolves, changes whatever word you wanna use to describe the fact that things never stay the same. How did I use that time? Was it meaningful? I like to believe so. Did I miss any opportunities to be a better daddy? I hope not.

No book can truly put you on a path to be a better parent. The only way to be a better parent, in my opinion and experience, is to be present and available.

In the blink of an eye, life happens...This Wednesday at the Ruby Room, 1271 University Avenue San Diego, CA 92103, Life will be happenning in a musical sense. Come check out the band as we rock the Ruby Room's stage for the first time ever.

It's gonna be epic.

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